A Beautiful Dawn

A 22 years old single person who dislikes hypocrisy receives an unknown letter that leads him to a psychological conflict with himself to end up with a shocking encounter.

Directed by : Ahmed Ferchichi
Edited by : Ahmed Ferchichi
Cinematography : Ahmed Ferchichi

short synopsis: A 22 years old single person who dislikes hypocrisy receives an unknown letter that leads him to a psychological conflict with himself to end up with a shocking encounter.

long synopsis : This story is a psychological thrilling drama about Medex, a 22 years old single male who despise hypocrisy, living a dull life without his deceased parents. one day he receives an unknown letter that reveals the truth about his parents death.

Medex then call his uncle to confirm the content of letter then realize that the letter is telling the truth. the truth triggers Medax and makes him more confused and scared. during his daily encounters, someone starts following and approaching Medex to tell him something, but in every attempt the person disappears or his voice fades.

After noticing this strange follower multiple times, Medex notices him and becomes interested in him and tries to find him.

After numerous failed attempts, Medex finally meets this person at home and finds out that the person who was following him is in fact his future self or as he thought, and this version self tries to convince Medex to forget the past and try to be more honest and positive with himself, trying to save him from the potential dark future of Medex, revealing at same time the sender of the letter.

After a shocking encounter with his future self, Medex wakes up after remembering the words of his mothers all confused and lost but he realizes that it doesn’t matter as long as he lives the life his parents wanted.

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